5 things college has taught me

As my third year at Rutgers has come to a close, and I’ve realized I only have one year left, I wanted to reflect on the most important things I’ve learned since starting college in 2013:

  1. Cherish your new found freedom.

    Freshmen year is obviously the most difficult year adjustment-wise; you’re finally out on your own with no parents to guide you through it. But the benefit of this is that there is no longer someone monitoring your every move or telling you how late you can be out at night. You’re free to do whatever you want, when you want. Enjoy it while it lasts!

  2. Establishing a social circle of close friends is vital.

    The worst place you can find yourself in college is in social isolation. Having friends is very important for your mental health and school performance. Through all the stressors you’ll inevitably face, you’ll need a good group of friends to lean on for support.

  3. Learn how to study correctly.

    You ARE here to learn right? (If not, I beg you to rethink your life plans). Grades are obviously very important, so it is critical that early on you develop studying strategies that work for you and help you get the grades you want. This ain’t high school anymore!

  4. Make time for activities besides studying, but don’t make other activities the priority.

    All too often we find ourselves hearing stories about or even knowing people who put partying ahead of anything else in college (amiright?). While it is important to take breaks from studying and go out and have fun, it’s all about finding the right balance between the two.

  5. Don’t let anyone pressure you to do something you don’t want to do.

    Last but certainly not least, trust me when I say it pays to be a non-conformist. Even though you’ll probably feel pressured to drink and party as many college students do, that doesn’t mean you have to in order to “fit in.” Stay strong and defend your position and people will (eventually) respect you for it.

You only get four years- make the most of it!

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